where's the art?

Last spring, the elementary art program in my district met the chopping block.... and lost. When a few creative ideas for bringing the program back were shot down due to assorted legal and contractual technicalities (and, in my mind, also due to a lack of creative thinking coupled with a rigid mind-set), I found myself out of a job after twenty years in the classroom. It's taken me some time to adjust to this, and even though I eventually decided to retire, I have not given up advocating for more authentic art in the classroom. I hope that eventually I can get back in there to make art with students. In the meantime, I'll do what I can here....

1 comment:

  1. Good Morning ~

    I follow your blog, and recommend it on my website as one of my favorites. I couldn't find a contact email for you, so please forgive that I'm using a comment box to do so.

    My name is MaryAnn Kohl. I am the author of over 20 books on art for kids.

    I am writing because I need your help to win a wonderful education grant, and I hope you can
    let your blog readers know about the grant competition. It takes votes to win, daily votes if possible.

    Specifically, I am nominated for an amazing education grant from Pepsi. If I win, I will travel the USA in 2011 and bring hands-on art workshops to 6000+ teachers whose schools do not have art programs! Ultimately this would impact 150,000+ children who have no art at school.

    I am asking that you vote for my project, and if you have anyone in your address book who cherishes creativity, I hope you will invite them to vote too!

    There are 3 ways to vote (and you can use all three every day if you want to... "power voting!"
    1.) Direct vote at: http://www.refresheverything.com/greatartkids
    (You have to sign up first with the program to be a verfied voter.)
    2.) Text your vote - no sign up needed:
    Text these numbers: 104840 To Pepsi's phone: 73774
    3.) Go to Facebook and vote through the Pepsi Voting App. This is pretty easy.

    Note: If you get lost on the Pepsi site, just put MaryAnn Faubion Kohl in the search box and it will take you to my voting page.

    Thank you so much for helping me achieve my goal of bringing art to schools all over the USA. I'd love to come to your town!

    Thank you for considering posting my need for votes!
    MaryAnn Kohl
